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The Ultimate 4-Week Meal Planning Package

No matter how you slice it, dice it, grate it, plate it, bake it, make it… (is there a Daft Punk remix happening here?)… anyway-

No meal is healthier than a homemade meal prepared with real whole food ingredients.

It’s just a fact.

There are so many ways to promote good health. But food? Food literally builds the stuff we are made of.

Without our bodies, we can’t go out into the world and spread our gifts the way we were meant to.

☝️We can’t do the work we love.
☝️We can’t help the people love.
☝️We can’t go to the places we love.
☝️We can’t help ourselves.

Everything we do in this life is contingent on us having bodies that are healthy and capable of taking us where we want to go.

🧍‍♀️Your body is your vehicle for your whole life.

🧍‍♀️Your body is the home of everything that makes you, you.

And I know you’ve heard it before, but it’s because it’s worth repeating…


What you eat everyday contains the building blocks of YOU.

So with that in mind, I ask you this:

🧍‍♀️What are you made of?

🧍‍♀️What do you want to be made of?

🧍‍♀️How do you want to show up in this world?

🧍‍♀️How long do you want to show up for?

Society has truly made it so hard to eat healthy without feeling like we have to sacrifice time, money, and good tasting food.

I’m here to tell you it doesn’t have to be this way.

⭐️Are you ready to nourish your body and feed your soul while saving time and energy in the kitchen? 🦄



This meal planning package is for the person who:

  • is trying to follow specific dietary guidelines, but is struggling figuring out what to eat that they can also enjoy
  • is bored with the recipes they make all the time and wants more variety
  • wants recipes that are currated to their dietary needs, are full of flavor, AND are easy to make
  • wants to spend less time in the kitchen
  • doesn't want to cook every single night
  • doesn't want to have to think about "what's for dinner?" every day
  • hates making grocery lists
  • needs accountability to stay on track
  • is looking for more customization with their meal prep support (not a one-size-fits-all meal plan)
  • is tired of the underlying stress and guilt that comes with not eating the way they "should"
  • is ready to nourish their body in a way that is aligned, manageable, and sustainable for their lifestyle



In this package:

  • a 1 hour onboarding call with Angela so she can get to know you and your goals so she can create customized meal plans for you for 4 whole weeks

  • Weekly customized meal plans, done-for-you grocery lists, and recipes for breakfast, lunch, dinner, and snacks (or whatever makes sense for YOU) for 4 weeks

  • Unlimited Voxer access for those moments when you need real time support (goal setting, Q&A, guidance through unique situations, and overall accountability)

  • Option to add on Laser Coaching Sessions for more indepth support


After checkout, Angela will reach out to you within 24 hours to book your onboarding call and get things started!


Questions before booking? Reach out to Angela directly via the chat or email



    Plans are provided in PDF format via email.


    The consult piece of this package is designed so that Angela can create the best meal plan for you.  During the consult, the client is given every opportunity to provide all the information needed to have the finished product meet as many of their needs as possible.  Therefore, there are no returns or refunds on this product.


    Product is delivered electronically a no additional cost.

Price Options
One-time purchase
Monthly Meal Plans
Get customized meal plans every month and save!
$399.00every month until canceled
2 Payment Plan
Pay over 2 months for 1 month of plans
$250.00every month for 2 months
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